The urban outdoor coworking event of the munich creative business week 2024!

We've done something special and dear to our hearts: 


Under this year's motto HOW TO CO-CREATE WITH NATURE, we invited you to a very special event on what is probably the sunniest May-day of the year: the pop-up office on Minna Thiel, right around the corner from the Pinkatotheken. Coworking with nature – in the open air, surrounded by urban energy. In the middle of the city and yet in the countryside. A day full of spontaneous, creative ideas, collaborative work, inspiration around design & technology and creative exchange as part of the Munich Creative Business Week 2024 in Munich.

What it was about

Under this year's motto "how to co-create with nature", we were are inviting you to a very special event: the Pop-up Office @Minna Thiel. 

For 8 years now, we have been regularly moving our workplace to different locations and organising "working-out-of-office-days". We have already been to Tuscany, Croatia, on our big outdoor coworking days on a farm, in the woods and meadows around Munich and even in an IKEA furniture store. 


Now we wanted to invite you to join us for a very special highlight in the fresh air as part of this years munich creative business week. For one day, we moved our workplace outside and shared our passion for fresh air work and our "working-out-of-office" experience with you. It was a super exciting day with a variety of topics and a colourful supporting programme.


Organised like a normal working day, there was of course also enough space for everything that usually takes place in the office or home office: focused work, meetings and exchanges, workshops, joint coffee breaks, after-work drinks, etc. 


We already look forward to seeing you next year!



MCBW Publikum im Atrium
Zuhörer zur Diskussion von der MCBW

Behind the FD scenes


Like every year, this year we wanted to provide technical input to the Munich Creative Business Week. During two talks that spanned the day, we gave all participants an exclusive insight into how we work and our internal culture.




🫀 Culture design as the key to successful work environment



This year's MCBW motto How To Co-Create With Nature couldn't be more appropriate: As a digital studio, we regularly draw so much inspiration, creativity and motivation from working in the middle of nature, so that we have a deep insight into the motivations for such - yes still unusual - working practice wanted to contribute to the topic.  Big topics like New Work are always on everyone's lips and ultimately summarize the topic of our lecture. But we didn't want to sing the praises of our coexistence. but rather show the listeners what it means for us as Format D to always question our usual working methods. The core of this talk was why it is important to actively design culture every day, to put people at the center of daily creative practice and how this can create a workplace that is tailored to the needs and goals of every employee.




🔮 Structure & creativity in the interdisciplinary design sprint



We always strive to share our know-how, which we have built up over the years through further development and a desire for innovation, with others in order to contribute to the creative community. We believe that through constant exchange and knowledge sharing we can develop further and create products that keep up with the times. That's why in the second talk we tackled a very nerdy, technical topic and gave insights into a creative process that we've sworn by for a long time: the Design Sprint or - in Format D - the Key Sprint. In order to structure our creativity, keep it going and constantly inspire it, we use some methodologies known from design thinking and optimize them for our own needs. This made us understand that - contrary to many popular opinions - it is not that difficult to be creative. You just have to find the structure that suits you, give it space and time and be open to continually developing it further.




Would you like to talk about those topics in more depth? 
It is never enough for us 🙃

You wand to join us next time?


Subscribe to our newsletter and find out directly what we are planning next. We welcome everyone who would like to work outside with us and network. And don't worry: the newsletter only comes if we really want to communicate things, no spam!



organised by

Format D