Music is incredibly important to us. It’s an art and a way to express yourself, and that’s why we’re so glad that our premises regularly play host to Sofar Sounds, an organization that is present in 350 countries.


About 80 guests, along with ourselves, are taken on a musical tour which often includes international bands and traverses different styles and cultures.



Artists from New York, Latin America, an electro DJ duo from Austria, singer-songwriters and a rapper from Munich have all graced the stage in our atrium. The conference room spontaneously transforms into a backstage area. Just register with Sofar Munich.


Gitarrenmusik vor Publikum in Münchener Agentur
Sofar Sounds auf der Terrasse in München
Music creates a connection! The musicians bond with their audience and bring people all over the world together. It brings us great joy to share so much emotion, every time.
Bruno Antunes Teamicon
Publikum von Sofar Sounds im Atrium